Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Legendary Raids are Fun When You're Not Alone!

One of the main reasons why I love the new Raid system is because of the fun I had with my fellow players. It became much more legendary after Articuno was released.

Pokemon GO is better played with company. The first few weeks of the game being released, it was fun. My close friends played as well. My girlfriend was also into it, and we went to Eastwood City just to play it, where she caught her first Machoke. She didn't catch the Omanyte we saw, but it was still fun. The game popularity when downhill from there. All of my closest friends stopped playing. but I never stopped. I was the only one playing. There were times I was still busy to play, but overall, I never gave up on the game. Then, the raid system was announced.

I'm so glad I was finally able to play with people who loved the game as much as I did. I looked for people to play with on Facebook. I found one within my area. Though most of them were older than I am, it was still fun. We tracked down Tyranitar, and sometimes Snorlax.

When Legendary Raids came, the first day I tried going on a Lugia raid, but only a few came, two people who are in Discord, a chat app for games. I'm already in that group but I rarely checked because the last time I checked, only a few players were in there. They had a planned meet-up with other players on a certain time but they just checked if this Lugia raid was being battled. I joined them in hopes of getting more raids. When I met the group, most of them are around my age so it was more comfortable.

I'm the one with the gray shirt, third from the left

Playing Pokemon GO is fun. If you don't have people to raid with, join up with your fellow players. Never raid alone again. If you happen to live in the Philippines, Discord can help you with that. Just click here and join the group. If you don't live there, try searching in Facebook or other social media for Pokemon GO groups in your area. Post on that group, asking if they could add you on your group.

Disclaimer: I was not paid by Discord nor the chat group.

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